I saw the moon… and looked the other way….

Parliament Hill
How many looked up tonight,
at the same moon…
Did anyone see,
what they hoped to see…
Were you standing with,
the one you love…
Or did you stand alone
in a crowd on a hill…

What thoughts were carried,
away on the wind…
Were they thoughts you let go…
Or thoughts you held on to…
Were they your thoughts…
Or shared thoughts…
Were they thoughts of what was…
Or  thoughts of what is…
Or thoughts you hope
may one day be….

Was there a name and a face…
Or just a hope and a  dream…
Was it a story to make one weep…
Was it long or was it short…
And did it end… too soon.

Have you ever…
Looked up in wonder
at the same moon

And wept when it was all done
For bein’ done too soon
For bein’ done too soon
For bein’ done

I saw the moon…
and looked the other way….

italics from Done too Soon by Neil Diamond
©2011 Julian Luckham

This is something I read this past week at Open Mic at Whispers, I wrote it after watching the recent “Super Moon”, I’ve always had a thing for full moons, not sure why… I used to share this… thing, with someone else. For some reason full moons are hard to look at now… I saw the moon… and looked the other way….

Photo: Parliament Hill, Ottawa.
© 2011 Julian Luckham all rights reserved, this photo should not be used in any way without my explicit permission.


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