what if weekends: the book
– a 52 week photo illusionism project by julian Luckham
Photo illusionism is a term I use in my work to convey the idea that what I create, though based in the world of photography, is not completely real. In April of 2012 I started a 52 Week photo project I called “What if Weekends”, creating one photo illusion every week for a year. The rules were pretty straight forward, the realization, not so much! The project was to create an illusion with nothing but real photographs merged and manipulated in a way to create something that you couldn’t possibly photograph. The theme for all 52 photo illusions was “What if…?”. What if… you could do anything, be anyone, or go anywhere? What if you had a twin, or you could clone yourself, or… what if… you did have a Super Power? What if… anything were possible? I worked with friends and friends of friends to create these illusions, most of which worked out as planned, and some went off the rails to create something quite unexpected. It’s up to you decide what worked and what didn’t, it’s a 52 week project, so you get to see all 52 illusions! Welcome to my 52 Week Project “What if Weekends”! 52 photo illusions over 52 weeks. And if you’d like to have an illusion of your own, feel free to get in touch to discuss a commissioned illusion.
[UPDATE] What if… What if Weekends was on CTV’s Regional Contact!
Yep, I did an interview back in October at my ‘What if Weekends’ exhibit and book launch with Joel Haslam of CTV’s Regional Contact. To quote Joel Haslam… “Just ahead on our Regional Contact segment the photographic illusions of Julian Luckham, with his camera he invites us to ask What if?” CTV Ottawa: Regional Contact: Luckham Creative
What if Weekends: the exhibit and book launch was held in Westboro on October 24th and 25th and was a big success… you could even say, an illusion come true. The exhibit included 26 of my 52 what if weekend photo illusions and a few older illusions, as well as some of my conventional photography. Click here for more about the exhibit.
What if Weekends: the book is now available! If you are in the Ottawa area and would like a copy, get in touch I have a few on hand, otherwise check out my books page where you will find links to both my first book and this one.
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