Being a photographer I decided to make the most of a difficult situation
Read more →creative writing
You know when Star Trek’s Enterprise arrives in the evergreen nebula and establishes orbit around a plastic Earth like planet that Christmas is coming….
Read more →September 6th was the 50th Anniversary of the premiere of the very first episode of Star Trek anywhere in the world and it happened to be here in Canada on CTV in 1966.
Read more →I’ve discovered that you can spend one week making ordinary things special… in your own back yard, and experience something like you never will again! All photos taken within a 2 hour drive of Ottawa.
Read more →This is something I wrote specifically for Hallowe’en some time ago, but I think it was really something else trying to get out… do you ever put on a mask when things are not going well, pretend that they are so it’s a bit easier to get through the day and,
Read more →What a wonderful day… this year I spent Valentine’s Day in an all day meeting at the Arc Hotel with 10 women that I have the privilege of working with, and yes I was the only guy! It was an annual meeting of the “communications team” on a project I’ve
Read more →Checking the Form (a screenplay?) The scene opens looking into a construction site, a building is going up. Lots of concrete, girders, re-bar, etc. The camera is POV of someone walking through the site towards two workers talking in the distance with raised voices. Along the way we see other
Read more →you turned on the light and ignited the flame and I saw colour in a black and white world the glint of a diamond on a glass horizon then darkness fell… and two ships passed. ©2006 Julian Photo: hidden in the windmills of my mind A photo taken a year
Read more →I took this photo this morning, seeing the pool through the pouring rain I decided against going for a swim as I didn’t want to get wet. I laughed at the oxymoron my own thoughts can create… and my thoughts just took off from there… do you ever try to
Read more →Hey!! Mr. Window Cleaner… Thank you… for dropping in… I uh, well… I wasn’t expecting you… to be hanging there… outside my window… so early… Let me… uhhh, Let me go… put on some clothes…. I can see clearly now, the rain is gone, I can see all obstacles in
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